When is Tooth Sensitivity a Dental Emergency?

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — skillmanfamily @ 2:53 pm
A man experiencing tooth sensitivity while brushing his teeth.

It’s not uncommon to experience a little tooth sensitivity at some point in your life, even if you have healthy teeth. Sensitivity can be caused by many things, from the temperature or acidity of your food or the type of toothbrush you use. But sometimes, that feeling isn’t fleeting. In fact, it could be the sign of a bigger problem. Here’s how you can tell if that feeling is no big deal, or if it’s a symptom of a dental emergency.

Causes of Sensitivity

There are several reasons your teeth could feel sensitive, ranging from your diet to the condition of your teeth and gums. For example, excessively hot or cold foods or foods like citrus fruits that are highly acidic can often cause temporary sensitivity, but this should not last long and is generally not cause for concern. Also, many people experience temporary sensitivity following the use of tooth whitening products, however this usually subsides within a week or so after treatment.

In other cases, however, you could have sensitivity due to an injury or oral health problem. Things like cavities, tooth infections, gum disease, and broken teeth can all make them hurt when eating or brushing.

How to Prevent Sensitivity

While there is no 100 percent foolproof way to prevent your teeth from ever experiencing sensitivity, there are still a few things you can do to reduce your risk.

  • Use sensitive toothpaste
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Avoid highly acidic foods and beverages
  • Avoid excessively hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Brush and floss daily
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for your semi-annual exams and cleanings

When to Seek Help

If you are experiencing occasional sensitivity while eating, but it’s only temporary and only with certain foods, you can try avoiding those foods or switching to a sensitive toothpaste. These products help safeguard your teeth by giving them an added boost of important minerals that help infiltrate your dentin and strengthen it. This in turn makes them less sensitive to environmental factors, so you can go back to enjoying the foods you love.

If you notice any other symptoms in addition to sensitivity, such as bleeding, constant pain, swelling, a broken or chipped tooth, or loose teeth, you should not hesitate to schedule an emergency dental appointment.

Remember, a little sensitivity is normal every once in a while, and does not mean you need to worry, however, if you are experiencing frequent pain, or if you notice any other symptoms, it is best to speak to your dentist about scheduling an urgent appointment.

About Dr. Lu

Dr. Henry Lu understands that taking care of your oral health can be difficult for some patients. That’s why he believes it’s so important to never make his patients feel bad about their teeth, and to always treat everyone like an individual and not just a number. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, Dr. Lu wants to help you feel better, not ashamed.  

To schedule an emergency appointment at Skillman Family Dentistry of Dallas, please visit our website or call us today at 469-998-9822.

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